The Refinancing Process

in as little as 1-2-3


Your Closing

You will receive your final numbers for your monthly payment and cash to close generally 1 or 2 days before closing. If you have cash to close, then you will either need to obtain a cashier’s check or a wire for the amount. You will also need to bring your ID. Your loan officer will help direct you on this.

When closing day comes and you are seated at the closing table, you can expect to sign some paperwork. Not as much as you would if you were to purchase a new home. The closing agent, who works for the title company, will go over every document with you and explain what it is. It’s important that you understand what you’re signing. Be sure to ask your closing agent, or loan officer any questions you may have.  You may be able to obtain a copy of the paperwork you are signing before closing, so you can ask questions ahead of time. This is something you would ask your loan officer for. 

Your First Payment

Now that you have successfully refinanced your home and either lowered your monthly payment or cashed out your equity, it will soon be time to make your new payment. You will have to wait the rest of the month you close, and one entire month before your first payment is due. For example: you close on September 5th, so you’ll wait the rest of September, and the entire month of October, so your first payment won’t be due until November 1st.

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